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Trulock Chokes
Herb Parsons
Frank Hoppe
Chris J. Batha
Trulock Chokes
Quality and
Performance... like no other!
As good as the best, and better...

Advantages of Trulock
Trulock Chokes provides excellent service, as well as an
excellent product. All Trulock Chokes are made from 17-4 PH grade stainless
steel. This steel has an extremely high resistance to staining and rust. Trulock
Chokes are heat-treated to a high strength level (200,000 PSI) in order to
resist wear. We craft all of our chokes on CNC lathes from solid bar
stock. Welded tubing is never used. All extended chokes are
knurled for easy installation and removal. (no wrench needed) Of course,
All Trulock Chokes carry a
Lifetime Warranty. In the event
you are not completely satisfied with your purchase you can return it for a
refund or exchange.
For more
about Trulock Click
To see an exciting video
clip of the famous
Herb Parsons in action, click

Parsons' video of exhibition shooting at its finest by this legendary marksman
and hunter. It must be seen to be believed. A unique collector's video,
entertaining for gun clubs and a great way to promote the fun of shooting with
local service clubs. For more about Herb Parsons and how to order the full video
click here http://showmanshooter.com

Herb Parsons and his lovely wife - age 27 and 26
Mississippi State Shoot 1936
Some of the many words of wisdom from the great Shooter,
Sportsman, and American - Herb Parsons:
"Hunt WITH your son or daughter, and you will never
have to hunt FOR them"
"You show me a good sportsman, and I'll show you a
good American"
"It's just as important to be a good sportsman as it
is to be a good shot".
A story about Herb
Parsons and the movie Winchester 73,
by his son Lynn
In 1950 my father's shooting schedule in Florida was interrupted and he
was flown across the country to Hollywood to serve as a
consultant on the movie WINCHESTER 73, starring Jimmy
Stewart. The storyline of the movie revolves around
possession of a very special "1-of-1000"
Winchester rifle, model 73. In a contest for the rifle, the protagonists
tie at shooting still targets, so a shootoff involves shooting
a metal link taken from the necklace of an Indian among the crowd
of onlookers and tossed into the air. Stewart's character shoots at
the washer which falls to the ground untouched. He then maintains he must
have shot through the center (hole) of the washer. A stamp is placed
over the hole and the washer is rethrown. These washer shots were ACTUALLY
MADE by my father standing off camera (see attachment) This was in
the days before trick photography and computers. Authenticity was the only
The model 71 rifle my father used is now on loan to the Cody Firearms Museum
of the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, (see attachment) as is
the necklace the Indian wore in the movie. Embedded in the
stock of the rifle is a shot Universal Studios medallion and engraved
on the stock are the autographs of all the actors in the movie (The
signatures cannot be seen in the picture.)
Around 1985, Universal Pictures released a laserdisc (remember those?!)
which contained, along with the movie, an interview with Jimmy
Stewart discussing his career and the making of WINCHESTER
73, including this particular scene. JUST LAST WEEK
Universal Studios released this program in DVD format! It
can be purchased on Amazon.com . It is worth the money just
to hear Jimmy Stewart talk about his horse!.......and now you know some
other "trivia" which no one else knows! Thought you might be interested.

H. Lynn Parsons M.D., FACS
Frank Hoppe
All-American Trapshooter, Instructor, Video
Producer, Author, Guide, Wildlife artist...
Frank Hoppe has taught trapshooting clinics
throughout the U.S. for more than 20 years and counts numerous All-Americans
among his many students, including All-American Captain, Richard Marshall.
His 3 famous videos are available to the public
titled "Trapshooting with Frank Hoppe," "Basic retriever
Training," and "Ducks, Dogs and Decoys."
Clinics are offered @ $220 per student per day
plus targets. Clinics are normally scheduled for at least two consecutive days
at the same club. Two day clinics are $350.
Hoppe 2007 clinic schedule
April 27, 28 and 29 Indian
Creek Shooting Complex-Georgetown, IN
contact: Roland King 812-967-2050
May 4, 5 and 6 Redlands
Shooting Park-Redlands, CA
contact Nikki 909-335-8844
May 23, 24 and 25 Knox County Gun
Club-Alliance, OH
contact Dave Mowry
May 29 and 30 Lancaster Airport Gun
Club-Lancaster, OH
contact Steve Corwin
June 2, 3 and 4 Kansas Trapshooter's
Association-Wichita, KS
contact Martin Wilbur
June 30 and July 1 Peshtigo Gun
Club-Peshtigo, WI
contact Darin Williams
July 7 Metro Gun Club-Blaine, MN
contact Kent Griffiths 651-335-4602
July 8 Alexandria Gun
Club-Alexandria, MN
contact Kent Griffiths
July 27, 28 and 29 Kansas City
Trapshooters Association-Smithville, MO
contact Lynn Gipson
To schedule a clinic at your club, call
Frank at 402-270-3033.
To purchase videos, schedule a class, or schedule
a clinic at your club, contact Frank at:
Phone: 402-564-3735
Cell: 402-270-3033
Email: hoppe@citlink.net
To see some expert
advice by Frank, click here
J. Batha, Best of the British
World famous Chief Instructor and Gun fitter for E.J. Churchill
Gunmakers of London England, one of the finest gunmakers of the World.
Chris is one of the best of the British and has gained a large following in the
The best Shotgun Master Class in Great Britain is now
available in the U.S.
Chief Instructor & Gun Fitter (Teaching the Instinctive
Style) for E.J. Churchill Gunmakers, London England.
Sr. Instructor, Level 3, British Clay Pigeon Shooting Assn.
Sr Member, National Assn of Sports Coaches
Sporting Shotgun Coach, British Assn of Shooting &
Member of the Institute of Clay Shooting Instructors
You will learn...
3-step fundamentals to improved scores and winning temperament along with vision
& secrets of barrel, load & choke combinations. Course
Expert gunfit with try gun & pattern plate, plus advanced techniques, top
tournament tips and English game shooting skills. Booking
and information
USA toll free - 1-866-254-2406
email: ChrisBatha@aol.com
Tel: 011441494883066
Fax: 011441494883215
To see some
expert advice by Chris, click here
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Shooting tips of the
Century, below:
For your
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to your
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MizMac makes Sporting Clays news
Shotgun Shells

See Endorsements for Clenzoil...

Shooting tips of the
The most committed win!
you can!
Go ahead risk it, say hello!
There's always Today!
"If you think you
can, or if you think you can't... you're right!"
Do it big, or stay in bed.
Be anchored to
some ideal, philosophy or cause that keeps you too excited to sleep.
Practice being excited!
Have the guts to go!
More powerful than the will to win is
the courage to begin
Do one thing after
another, one at a time.
Never try to catch two frogs with one
When one must,
one can!
Change your thoughts and you change
your world.
Your friend is
the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
Shoot as if it is impossible to fail!
When things go
wrong, don't go with them!
Forget tomorrow, today is the day!
Don't fear what you
He conquers who endures!
Big shots are only
little shots who keep shooting!
The real sin is to persuade
oneself that the second best is anything but second best.
Success seems to be
largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
"To be what we are, and to become what
we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life"
Robert Louis Stevenson
If you always do
what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got!
better it is to dare mighty things,
even though checkered by failure,
than to live in that gray twilight that
knows neither victory nor defeat...”
Teddy Roosevelt
Gun control is not
about guns;
it's about control!
Press on!
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not:
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will
not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not:
the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination
alone are omnipotent!
Hit just one more
target, why not!
The squeaky wheel doesn't always get
greased, it often gets replaced.
From self alone
expect applause.
Some Brain food:
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then is not an act, but a habit...
Aristotle |