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contact you staff@fieldandclays.com
Media Kit
Mission: FieldandClays.com
is the on-line magazine promoting family-sporting fun with a gun...
Trapshooting, Skeet Shooting, Sporting Clays, and Hunting. It is a publication
devoted to the shooting sports, by shooters dedicated to furthering knowledge
and the positive enhancement of the shooting sports.
launched with homerun hits!
audience = Active Sport Shooters!
Feature Your Company/Products in
a Fieldandclays Product Review section.
2) Feature an Editorial
(advertorial) about
“Your Company” – you write, we edit and publish. Of course we source you
as the author thus creating credibility and notoriety for you. Or, we can claim
authorship and highlight you in the editorial, thus, providing implied third
party endorsement.
Feature Your
Splash Ad – see example:
4) Feature “Your
Company” in the right border, which stays visible on ever page of
Fieldandclays, and point it to your Splash Ad or web site. Example: look
in the right border, and click on any Ad.
5) Feature Your product(s)
in a “Prize Promotion” for high impact promotional value.
6) Feature Your Product(s)
in the Fieldandclays auction.
7) Feature Your Pictures in
“Candid Camera” taken at shoots of your choosing – you take
photos including pictures of you, your space and/or your product(s), have film
developed as usual (plus ask for a disk and send the disk to us). We will
publish a reasonable number of photos on Fieldandclays – see http://www.fieldandclays.com/candid_%20Grand.htm
Feature Your Company/Product(s) in Fieldandclays
Email Newsletter, which is sent directly to a select group of known
active shooters on a monthly or bi-weekly basis.
9) Feature Your
Classified Ad – see http://www.fieldandclays.com/classifi.htm
10) CO-OP in Fieldandclays print Ad
campaign in various shooting
11) Trade
your product(s) for Fieldandclays
services (Promotions in Fieldandclays, Site Design, Hosting, Enhancements and
Promotion of your site).
Advertising packages are available at rates, effective but cheap, which will
extend through the length of your initial contract, determined by you. For
example the initial contract can be 3 months to as long as you want, at the
intro rates. Thereafter, renewals will be billed quarterly at the then
prevailing rates.
are full-page color or black & white (your choice) with pictures and copy
with a link to your site, if available.
Classified ads
are all copy (words) from 1 – 50 words with a
link to your site.
Banner ads are standard
banner ads listed on every page of FieldandClays and link directly to your web
Placement of your product(s) in the auction cost 5% of the sale price only if
the item(s) sell.
Prize Promotion
featuring your product(s) (prices upon request)
There are no closing dates; your ad will begin as soon as
materials and payment arrive. No, there are no other hidden costs like bleed or
Step 1) Email us about your company (subject ad info) and we'll
contact you staff@fieldandclays.com
If you are interested in posting a product or company
“review,” contact our review board: (subject: review) staff@fieldandclays.com.
Display Ad: (click to see sample)
Classifieds: (click to
Also available is our Creative Services Department offering
Turn-Key Web
Services including:
Domain Name Search
Domain Name registration (your name.com)
Site Design and Development
Site Publishing
Site Promotion
Editing / Changes
Site Maintenance and care
Contact: staff@fieldandclays.com
Media Kit:
Fieldandclays.com, is visited by shooting
enthusiasts who are there to take action! And, we offer unique
advertising opportunities to reach these visitors when they are in a "ready to
buy" mood.
Because fieldandclays.com is an interactive medium where sportsmen
are energetically buying, it is "the right place" at "the right time"
to "the right audience" for sporting goods advertisers... yes, an extremely
effective formula to reach ready buyers, at low costs.
If you don't have advertising prepared, we can develop it with
For rates and available space
email: staff@fieldandclays.com
A new exciting advertising medium rarely comes along which
effectively targets a known specific audience. Our mission is to embody such scope and
reach. Only a few things in life are so revolutionary that they change your entire way of
life, for example, the creation of the printing press, the invention of the automobile,
the first airplane flight, and the creation of television and radio. Now, the birth of the
Internet is changing the way people communicate, customers buy, and businesses sell.
And yes, this eventuality directly effects you because:
1st, It establishes your instant
national presence.
2nd, There is 24 hour presentation of your products and services.
3rd, Costs of doing business are reduced.
4th, Online ordering means immediate sales.
This web site, right now, has access to over 100 million users and is expected to expand
more than 3 times with in 2 years. While sales over the internet are exploding, experts
project growth from $millions last year to $billions next year. While not all internet
users are sportspersons, a great many sportspersons are internet users. And, like most,
they are turning towards the internet to make purchasing decisions.
The average internet user is 33 years old. 70% are male. Female usage is rising. Over 53%
have completed college. Income triples the U.S. average, $60,000 Vs $21,000. This is an
excellent customer base for an advertiser to target.
(source-IBM Infomarket, InterNec, GVU, and Internet World)
Competitive Shooter Profiles:
100% purchase guns
100% purchase shotgun shells
97% purchase gun cleaning products
95% hold credit cards
93% purchase shooting glasses
93% purchase hearing protection
92% shoot trap
92% purchase shooting clothing
92% purchase reloading equipment and components
90% are homeowners
85% purchase factory ammunition
75% own hunting dog
69% shoot sporting clays
64% own two or more vehicles
55% own a utility sports vehicle
48% shoot skeet
41% will purchase wildlife art in next 12 months
Average income $65,000
Editorial Calendar:
We have a continually evolving theme, presenting various items of interest which
sportspersons want to buy.
Closing dates:
There are no traditional closing dates. You begin whenever you are ready.
4 color premium:
There are no premium charges for color.
Other Web services:
Full services to work with or create "yourbusiness.com." Also, if you don't have
advertising prepared, we can develop it with you.
For rates and available space email:
Splash Pages
Splash pages are mini-Web sites from one to three pages in length
designed to promote an advertiser's particular product, service or event.
Splash pages are useful for companies whether or not they already have
their own Web site. Many times it is better to send a user to a splash
page built for a unique promotion before linking the user to the company's
home page which may or may not feature that specific promotion.
Welcome to
Sample Splash Page
Click here |

Sample Web Site
Click here |
Web Site Development
Fieldandclays.com can create and promote a Web site for your business
which can be linked to from various sections of fieldandclays or the web.
This Web site can contain company information, product or service
information, hours, events, and much more.
Sponsorships help companies establish and further develop awareness of their
brand name. Fieldandclays.com allows businesses the opportunity to tie their
company name and logo to excellent online content that fits their demographic
profile. Fieldandclays users view these sponsors in a favorable manner because
it appears as though the sponsor is helping Fieldandclays "bring" this
information straight to them.
An advertorial offers companies the opportunity to present themselves in a
way that goes above and beyond traditional advertising. Advertorials are located
through out Fieldandclays and can feature up to four links into different parts
of an advertiser's Web site or splash pages. Advertorials can accomplish
objectives such as providing information which is useful to consumers,
disseminating timely company information, or promoting certain products, events
or services.
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Shooting tips of the
Century, below:
For your
Click on sign-up

to your
target market

MizMac makes Sporting Clays news
Shotgun Shells

See Endorsements for Clenzoil...

Shooting tips of the
The most committed win!
you can!
Go ahead risk it, say hello!
There's always Today!
"If you think you
can, or if you think you can't... you're right!"
Do it big, or stay in bed.
Be anchored to
some ideal, philosophy or cause that keeps you too excited to sleep.
Practice being excited!
Have the guts to go!
More powerful than the will to win is
the courage to begin
Do one thing after
another, one at a time.
Never try to catch two frogs with one
When one must,
one can!
Change your thoughts and you change
your world.
Your friend is
the man who knows all about you, and still likes you.
Shoot as if it is impossible to fail!
When things go
wrong, don't go with them!
Forget tomorrow, today is the day!
Don't fear what you
He conquers who endures!
Big shots are only
little shots who keep shooting!
The real sin is to persuade
oneself that the second best is anything but second best.
Success seems to be
largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
"To be what we are, and to become what
we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life"
Robert Louis Stevenson
If you always do
what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got!
better it is to dare mighty things,
even though checkered by failure,
than to live in that gray twilight that
knows neither victory nor defeat...”
Teddy Roosevelt
Gun control is not
about guns;
it's about control!
Press on!
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not:
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will
not: unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education alone will not:
the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination
alone are omnipotent!
Hit just one more
target, why not!
The squeaky wheel doesn't always get
greased, it often gets replaced.
From self alone
expect applause.
Some Brain food:
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then is not an act, but a habit...
Aristotle |