Michigan Program Details
Year 2002

(Note- 2003 program is now being created)

Table of Contents

Click on any subject, then back button to return

Presidents Message

All MTA Shooting Events at Mason

M.T.A Life Memberships

M.T.A. Officials

Michigan State Teams

Directions & Announcements

Notices and Shooters’ Services 

Practice Traps, Ties, Shoot-Offs and Trophies  

Ammunition, Entry Procedure, Fees


Special Categories, Options and Payoffs


Handicap Options


Pre-Squadding Forms

Spring and Fall Team Event Information

11th Annual Spring Team Shoot

Michigan Memorial Day Handicap

Michigan 500 Doubles and 500 Singles

92nd Michigan State Shoot

28th Annual Fall Team Shoot



11th Annual Spring Team Shoot
May 3-5, 2002
(Over $41,000.00 paid out in options last year)

Michigan Memorial Day Handicap
May 24-27, 2002  

15th Annual Great Lakes Grand American
July 2-7, 2002
(Over $118,000.00 paid out in options last year)  
See ATA program for details

  Michigan 500 Doubles/Singles
July 23, 2002

  92nd Annual Michigan State Shoot
July 24-28, 2002
(Over $105,000.00 paid out in options last year)

  28th Annual Fall Team Shoot
September 6-8 2002
(Over $39,000.00 paid out in options last year)

  Registration Certification

This certifies that the Michigan Trapshooting Association has been authorized to hold registered shoots on the above dates. The A.T.A. rules will govern these shoots and the 2002 scores will be included in the official records of the Amateur Trapshooting Association.

President’s Message

Welcome Shooters, to the Michigan home grounds! We have been working very hard to have the club ready for the 2002 season.

This year we will be providing one program for all shoots except for the Great Lakes Grand. It will be held July 2-7, 2002. That will be mailed out by the ATA. We have changed the date for the GLG and our state shoot hoping to take advantage of better weather for our two largest shoots.

The Michigan Memorial Day Handicap will be held May 24-27, 2002. We hope this will be a successful event.

As we all know, the year 2001 has presented many challenges to our great country and in effect, to our sport. We will overcome the terror that challenges our freedom, standing as many, but united as one we will bring the ATA and MTA into the 21st century.

Michigan has a great program for 2002 and we are planning for the future. We are looking forward to seeing you. Come out and shoot the great targets we are throwing in Michigan!

Ken Sims
President MTA 


Life Memberships in the Michigan Trapshooting Association:

We encourage you to support your State Organization by becoming an M.T.A. Life Member. For a one-time fee of $35.00, Life Members receive a gold pin, a parchment wall certificate and a membership card.

Michigan Trapshooting Association Officers


PRESIDENT                                                            DIRECTOR

Ken Sims                                                                      Barry Kemper
3415 Leroy Ave.                                                           615 Vinewood
St. Joseph, Mi 49085                                                      Wyandotte, Mi 48192
(HM) 616-429-6509                                                       (HM) 734-285-3778
(WK) 800-708-6707                                                      (WK) 734-398-9861
(E-Mail) ksims@Prodigy.net                                          (Cell ) 248-877-6302
                                                                                 (FAX) 734-398-9865  
                                                                   (E-Mail) barrykemper@msn.com

VICE PRESIDENT                                                 DIRECTOR

Vance Wise                                                                  Rick Gumper
5730 S. Posey Lake Hwy.                                             245 Brill Lake Rd.
Hudson, Mi. 49247                                                        Jackson, Mi. 49201
(HM) 517-448-7070                                                       (HM) 517-764-1388
(WK) 419-841-9700                                                      (WK) 517-788-9200

SECRETARY-TREASURER                                   A.T.A. DELEGATE

Robert Trottier                                                              Earl Munson
20 Church St.                                                                7155 S. Vernon Rd.
Oxford, Mi. 48371                                                         Durand, Mi. 48429
(HM)  248-628-4927                                                      (HM) 517-288-6995
(WK)  248-628-1811                                                     (E-Mail) emn5433@shianet.org
(FAX) 248-628-1465
(E-Mail)) TGunSight@aol.com

DIRECTOR                                                              A.T.A. ALT. DELEGATE

Keith Heeg                                                                   Ronald Hoff
7977 Colleen Dr.                                                           3285 Gold Dust NE
Fowlerville, Mi. 48836                                                    Belmont, Mi. 49306
(HM) 517-223-3452                                                       (HM) 616-866-5186 
                                                                                     (E-Mail) rs-hoff@Egl.net 

DIRECTOR                                                             A.T.A. ALT. DELEGATE

Tom Stewart                                                                 Del Nye
3707 E. Stoll Rd.                                                           6281 Pierce Rd.
Bath, Mi. 48808                                                            Kingsley, Mi. 49649
(HM) 517-641-4460                                                      (HM) 231-263-5593
(E-Mail) stewart.tom@acd.net                                                  

RECORDING SECRETARY                                 CUSTODIAN

J.D. Faltin                                                                    Rick Shirkey
5357 Southway                                                             1534 Service Rd.
Swartz Creek, Mi. 48473                                               Mason, Mi. 48854
(HM) 810-732-3585                                                      (HM) 517-676-0875


Men 1st Team

            Name                              Singles       Hdcp.          Dbls.             Total               Avg.

  1. Kemper, Barry                      98.32           93.32           95.15              286.79            95.60

  2. Creighton, James                 98.47           92.21           95.33              286.01            95.34

  3. Scheonrock, Robert             98.89           91.82           95.08              285.79            95.26

  4. Smith, Ken                             98.72           91.97           95.00              285.69            95.23

  5. Wise, Vance                          98.66           91.28           94.54              284.48            94.83

  6. Musetti, Richard                    98.55           91.32           93.97              283.84            94.61

  7. Galonis, Frank                       97.57           92.20           93.75              283.52            94.51

  8. Stalter, Vern                          98.31           90.85           94.14              283.30            94.43

  9. Sickmeyer, David                 97.89           91.63           93.71              283.23            94.41

10. Heeg, Keith                           98.35           89.01           95.44              282.80            94.27

Men 2nd Team

11. Jensen, Richard                    96.90           91.55           93.33              281.78            93.93

12. Wood, Various Frank           97.43           90.27           94.00              281.70            93.90

13. Franz, Lee                             98.28           91.05           92.19              281.52            93.84

14. Kaschak, Fred                      97.86           89.68           93.60              281.14            93.71

15. Smith, Scot                            97.37           89.71           94.00              281.08            93.69

16. Burkett, Richard                    98.31           91.86           89.86              280.03            93.34

17. Allor, Kerry                             97.23           89.36           93.41              280.00            93.33

18. Buege, Glenn                        98.11           88.59           92.19              278.89            92.96

19. McDonald, Cliff                     96.75           89.61           92.20              278.56            92.85

20. Telfer, Larry                           97.03           88.71           92.64              278.38            92.79

Ladies Team

  1. Snellenberger, Jacque         98.57           90.05           92.61              281.23            93.74

  2. Rutledge, Roberta                96.52           85.55           91.53              273.60            91.20

  3. Phenicie, Jodene                  95.89           86.96           84.64              267.49            89.16

  4. Telfer, Sally                            96.50           85.81           84.14              266.45            88.82

  5. Garvison, Rosanne               93.91           86.77           84.65              265.33            88.44

Juniors Team

  1. McClinchey, Ryan                 93.27           88.94           87.40              269.61            89.87

Sub-Juniors Team

  1. Webb, Jake                           93.65           91.00           88.46              273.11            91.04

  2. Arnold, Austin                        94.64           89.75           88.03              272.42            90.81

  3. Elka, Nicholas                       91.06           88.60           72.00              251.66            83.89

  4. Stalter, Emily                         90.53           87.83           70.82              249.18            83.06

  5. Campeau, Robert                 92.50           88.96           67.38              247.44            82.48

Veterans Team

  1. Chapmen, James                 97.19           89.22           91.79              278.20            92.73

  2. Goodwin, Donald                  97.00           91.19           89.36              277.55            92.52

  3. Baugher, Charles                  97.13           89.03           90.78              276.94            92.31

  4. Quass, Leslie                        97.49           87.74           91.69              276.92            92.31

  5. Morgan, Joe                          96.00           88.96           90.42              275.38            91.79

Senior Veterans Team

  1. Grimes, Gerald                     98.29           91.27           94.00              283.56            94.52

  2. Hoffman, C.P.                        92.65           89.18           85.82              267.65            89.22

  3. Kruger, Fred                          93.78           86.55           79.25              259.58            86.53

  4. Schultz, Robert                      96.16           83.05           79.00              258.21            86.07

  5. Kasdorf, William                   90.89           86.25           79.07              256.21            85.40




The Michigan Trapshooting Association grounds are located three miles south of Mason, Michigan, on the West Service Road of US-127 one-half mile north of the Barnes Road Exit.

To contact the M.T.A., please phone (517) 676-2295 or write the M.T.A. at 1534 Service Road, Mason, Michigan 48895. Web site: www.fieldandclays.com/michigan.htm



Shooters from Grand Rapids, take I-96 east to Lansing, then US-127 south to the Barnes Road Exit, then west to the West Service Road north.

Shooters from Kalamazoo, take I-94 east to Jackson, then US-127 north to the Barnes Road Exit, then west to the West Service Road north.

Shooters from Detroit, take I-94 west to Jackson, then US-127 north, or take I-96 west to Lansing, then US-127 south, to the Barnes Road Exit, then west to the West Service Road north.

Shooters from Flint, take I-69 west to Lansing, then US-127 south to the Barnes Road Exit, then west to the West Service Road north.



These are invitational tournaments and the Michigan Trapshooting Association Directors reserve the right to reject, refund, or disqualify any contestant who, in their judgment, interferes with the harmony of the shoot or violates A.T.A. or M.T.A. rules or regulations. The Directors reserve the right to alter or cancel any part of this program at any time, and are not bound by errors or omissions in the booklet. Changes and/or corrections posted in the Squadding and Classification room or on our web site supersede information in the printed booklet.

The M.T.A. will furnish referees for the trap line. A.T.A. rules will govern all events and decisions will be based accordingly.

Gambling will not be permitted on the M.T.A. grounds at any time.

The M.T.A. will be using the bank system with all fields having voice activated pulls.  Starting banks will be determined by random draw.



Parking – The majority of daily parking is located at the east end of the grounds with additional parking at the west end behind banks 6 through 10. Handicap parking is directly behind the main cafeteria building and behind bank 2.

Pets – Pets must be leashed at all times while on the grounds. No pets are permitted in the main cafeteria building. It is also mandatory that you clean up after your pets. The pet run area is located in the field south of the camping area.

Bicycles, Motorbikes, Roller Blades and Skateboards – No bicycles, motorbikes, roller blades or skateboards will be allowed during shooting hours (unless authorized by the Directors).

Golf Carts - Golf carts will be available for rent from Boylan Sales Inc. 607 N. Main St. Plainwell, Mi. 49080-0358, Phone (616) 685-6828, Fax (616) 685-6051. All reservations for golf carts must be made and paid for prior to each shoot, as there will be no golf cart rentals available on the M.T.A. grounds. No other rental carts will be allowed on the grounds. You must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to use golf carts. ATV’s or like vehicles are prohibited at all times. Shooters may use their own golf carts at a fee of $50.00 per shoot. This golf cart fee will be waived for handicapped shooters. The Directors reserve the right to take away the privilege of using a golf cart.

Potential Injury – Participants and spectators recognize the exposure to potential injury associated with this shotgun sport and assume all risks of accidents while attending these tournaments.

Target Setting – The target setting committee will procure predicted weather conditions and set targets each morning or upon event changes. Targets are set in accordance with A.T.A. rules. The final decision as to whether or not a trap is to be reset shall be made by a Director or designated target setter.


Vending – Vending is allowed in the designated area only; no vending is allowed in the daily parking areas or campground areas. For information on leasing space for vending, contact M.T.A., 1534 Service Road, Mason, MI 48854, (517) 676-2295.

Food – The cafeteria will be open the first day of the shoot (light meals may be available the evening before the shoot). Good food, prepared by “Don’s Windmill”, is available at popular prices.

Hotel/Motel Accommodations – Rooms are available in the Lansing, Jackson and Leslie areas. For more information regarding accommodations, contact the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce, (517) 487-6340, and the Mason Area Chamber of Commerce, (517) 676-1046.

Camping – We have campsites with electricity and water. There is a bathhouse complete with showers. Camping leases are available on a limited basis. All remaining campsites are first-come, first-served and no reservations will be taken. The camping fee is $12.00 per night with water and electric. There is unlimited primitive camping at $5.00 per night. Campers are allowed on the grounds up to one week before the first day of the shoot and will be charged from the day of arrival to the day of departure. For the campers’ convenience there is a dump station near the front gate. The M.T.A. will not be responsible for trailers, campers or motor homes or their contents.

Telephones – Public telephones are located on the south side of the main cafeteria building. There is also a public phone in the southwest corner of the cafeteria.  


The practices traps will be open the day prior to each shoot at 12:00 noon and at 8:45am on each shoot day, to a time determined by the Directors each day during the shoot.


1. A shooter may not win more than one trophy in the same event. If a shooter’s score qualifies for more than one trophy, that shooter must notify the office within 15 minutes after that event’s last scores have been posted, as to which trophy he/she desires to take or shoot-off for. Concurrent special awards are exempt from this rule.

Failure of the shooter to make appropriate notification of his/her choice imposes on the Directors the duty to make the choice for that shooter. Priority will be given to special categories over class trophies.

This rule shall not be interpreted to affect the right of all contestants whose score qualifies them to do so from shooting off for the Championship Trophy in any event. Championship Trophy, for purposes of this rule, means the trophy awarded to the highest scoring event winner, and any runners-up trophies, but does not mean class champions, special category champions, or any other than the event high score winner and runners-up.

2. Leader-to-date listings are displayed on video monitors in the main cafeteria building, squadding room and score board annex to allow shooters to track potential shoot-offs. Shooters are advised to note where special category shooters may have the high score/tie in class and special category. It is possible that a score lower than what is broadcast on video display terminals may be involved in a shoot-off.

3. Trophy ties may be shot off at the end of each day unless otherwise stated in the program. If necessary, ties may be carried over and shot off by sub-event on our regular program the following day or at a time designated by the Directors.

4. Contestants in shoot-offs will be called over the public address system to report to the check-in area, located on the trap line directly in front of the main cafeteria building. Anyone in a tie who does not answer the call for shoot-offs will forfeit rights to any trophy.

5. The trophy room is located in the main cafeteria building. It will be opened each day of the shoot from 2 p.m. to one-half hour after the shoot-offs are complete.

6. Lists of unclaimed trophies are posted in the scoreboard annex and the cafeteria. The M.T.A. will make every effort to get trophies to winners. However, any trophies not picked up by the end of the shooting season (Fall Team Shoot) will be forfeited.

7. 100 or 200 Straight Pins: Anyone breaking 100 or 200 straight without carryover at the Michigan home grounds will be awarded a state pin. Only one such pin will be awarded to any one individual. Please inquire at the office.  


Purchase of shells is not compulsory. You may use your own provided they conform to all rules of the A.T.A. All shells are subject to inspection at the discretion of the Directors. Most popular brands of shells will be available for purchase in the shell house. Selling of shells by anyone other than the M.T.A. will not be permitted without authorization by the Directors.

If you want your empties, put them in your pocket. Empty hulls may not be picked up at the firing line at any time. Once they hit the ground, they become the property of the M.T.A.


1. The classification and squadding room located on the east end of the main building, will be open 12 noon to 6 p.m. on the day prior to each shoot and 8 a.m. to a time set by the Directors during each shoot day.

2. Cashiering will be open 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on the day prior to each shoot and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (or a time set by the Directors) during each shoot day.

3. Your handicap yardage along with your singles and doubles classification will be determined by the M.T.A. at the classification counter. To be classified you must have proof of your current A.T.A. membership.

4. All participants must be classified prior to making their entries. The cashier will not be able to process entry cards prior to classification.

5. Squad cards are available at the squadding counter next to classification.

6. If you draw cards that will not be used for an event, please return unused cards to the squadding counter as soon as possible. It is imperative that the yardage of the rest of the squad be included on the card when returning handicap event entry cards. Returning cards allows us to fill holes in open squads, making the tournament more enjoyable for all shooters.

7. The cashiers will directly input your entries, including options, at the cashier windows located in the scoreboard annex. You will be supplied with a receipt showing your squad, position and options for each event entered.

8. Fees – Daily Fees: A.T.A $2.00, M.T.A. $.50 and Home Grounds Maintenance Fee $1.00
M.T.A. Assessment: $1.50 per 100 targets

9. Junior and sub-junior shooters will be allowed to enter any event (except Spring Team Shoot and Fall Team Shoot team events, and Great Lakes Grand events) for one-half entry fees plus A.T.A. and M.T.A. fees. At the Michigan State Shoot, junior and sub-junior shooters can shoot the Michigan Singles Championship, Doubles Championship and Handicap Championship by paying only the A.T.A. and M.T.A. fees. These shooters will be eligible for junior and sub-junior trophies only and will not be permitted to play any options. Junior and sub-junior shooters who wish to enter options in any event must pay full entry and option fees.

The MTA proudly supports the Scholastic Clay Target Program, sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The SCTP has introduced young people, grades 6 through 12, to the sport of trapshooting for two years now. SCTP Teams from across Michigan will compete in the SCTP State Trapshooting Championship on Saturday, July 27, 2002 concurrent with the Michigan Singles Championship. The junior and senior division teams winning the SCTP State Championships will receive a $2500 Travel Scholarship from the NSSF. For more information contact SCTP Michigan Director Paula Hansford at 11625 Champagne Lane, Byron, Mi. 48418; phone: 810-266-4169; or email: tralsnfarm@aol.com.  

10. No entries, purse, options or fees will be refunded unless shoot is canceled.


Shooters are expected to have both their singles and doubles averages computed on the targets they have shot in the current year. Any shooter not having their average card up to date may be penalized to a higher class or assessed additional penalty yardage.

Spring and Fall Team Shoots: All events at these shoots are Lewis Class. All shooters will be Class AA and there will be no minimum target requirements.

Great Lakes Grand: See shoot program issued by A.T.A. for classification and target requirements.

Michigan State Shoot: Events 1 through 3 may be used toward target requirements.

The following system will be used for the Michigan Handicap Shoot, Michigan 500 Doubles, Michigan 500 Singles, and the Michigan State Shoot. Shooters will be classified on known ability and their 16-yard singles and doubles averages.

AA 97% and over                                             AA 93% and over

A   94% and under 97%                                    A   89% and under 93%

B   91% and under 94%                                     B   85% and under 89%

C   88% and under 91%                                     C   78% and under 85%

D   under 88%                                                   D   under 78%


1. To arrive at known ability, the following will be taken into account
a. Official averages (abnormally low scores will be disregarded)
b. Non-registered scores including shoot-off scores, non-registered events, practice scores, etc.
    c. Any other information known on the shooter’s ability to shoot and break targets.

2. No participant shall shoot 16-yard singles events in less than Class A or higher unless he/she has a minimum of 1,000 targets combined for the current and previous year. Ladies and Sub-Juniors shall shoot in Class B or higher.

3. Handicap participants not meeting the following target requirements shall be assessed a 2-yard penalty (Ladies and Sub-Juniors 1-yard) to their current A.T.A. yardage.   No participant shall shoot handicap events at their current A.T.A. yardage unless he/she has a minimum of 1,000 targets combined for the current and previous year. Handicap target requirements will be waived for Senior Veterans.  No shooter shall be assessed penalty yardage past 26.5 yards.

4. Penalty yardage will be waived if shooting targets only.

5. No participant shall shoot doubles events in less than Class B or higher unless he/she has a minimum of 500 targets combined for the current and previous year.

6. Winners and ties in singles and doubles events will advance one class except on warm-up events. Should you win or tie for high in a class in any singles event or in any doubles event, or earn yardage in any handicap event, it shall be your duty to report to the classification counter or office and have the yardage increased or classification reviewed.  Any shooter whose class or yardage is changed for any reason shall be considered to have been notified when the new class or yardage is posted on the bulletin board.

7. Any shooter who shoots in a class or from a yardage higher or lower than the assigned class or yardage will be subject to disqualification and will not be eligible to share in any money division or be eligible for trophies.

8. Change of yardage for any shooter may be made at any time during the year including immediately before and during the shoot.


Lady, Junior, Sub-Junior, Veteran and Senior Veteran categories must be declared when you classify. This is solely the shooter’s responsibility. If your special category does not appear on the posted score sheet, report the omission at the office.

Your age is determined at the beginning of the target year by A.T.A. rules.

Ages for special category trophies are:

Veteran                        65years up to 70 years old

Senior Veteran              70 years and older

Junior                           16 years up to 19 years old

Sub-Junior                    Under 16 years old

  Please Note: 

Michigan State Shoot Singles Championship Special Category Trophies: (Event #9)-- Zone Team, Parent and Child, and Husband and Wife. Your eligibility for these trophies must be declared at the office prior to the start of the event.


Options are not compulsory. In case of ties not otherwise covered, the monies for the number of places will be combined and divided equally among those in the tie regardless of the outcome of any shoot-offs. Shoot-offs are for trophies, honor and place.

All checks issued for pay-offs will be void after 60 days. Each shooter who is entitled to receive money during any event agrees that if such money is not received by him/her during the period of the tournament, a check in payment for the money won may be mailed to him/her at the address indicated by the A.T.A. records, and when so mailed, the club will not be liable in any manner whatsoever for any check lost, stolen, unclaimed, undelivered, or otherwise not received by the shooter.

Due to federal rulings, the M.T.A. will not issue winnings by mail or in person without first obtaining the recipient’s Social Security Number.  


Any shooter missing a squad should report to the office for a make-up sheet and make-up the round(s) no later than 30 minutes after the last squad in that event has completed the event. The shooters will make-up the missing rounds on the practice traps. All make-up rounds will be shot alone or with other make-up shooters. If the make-up is not started within 30 minutes after the event, all targets not fired at will be scored zero.


Handicap options (Explanation of Purses)

Lewis Purse………………………………………………………………………$10.00
Three Classes (or more)                            Divided 60%-40% (ties divide)

4-25’s                                                                     One Money (ties divide)

First, Middle, Last                                                60%-40%  (ties divide)

Great Eastern (Total 100)………………………………………………………………...$20.00
Top 6 scores (ties divide)
High Score 25%, Second High Score 15%, Third High Score10%
Fourth High Score 25%, Fifth High Score 15%, Sixth High Score10%

Nifty Fifty…………………………………………..……………………………………….$5.00
Middle 50 (ties divide)
Must be 50 straight-If not a 50 straight, it will be carried over to the next shoot.

Yardage Purse……………………………………………………………………………..$10.00
 Each yardage group shoots for own money.
 (19-21) (22-24) (25-27)                          50%-30%-20% (ties divide)

Jackpot Purse……………………………………………………………………………...$25.00


The Michigan Trapshooting Association is offering pre-squadding to those shooters who do not wish to stand in lines which accompany the first day of any large shoot.  

Text Box: 1.  You may pre-squad for complete squads or individual positions.
2.  Full squads may be requested for any or all events at the M.T.A. at a cost of $10.00 per event.
3.  Single positions may be requested for any and all events except the spring and fall team events. Each position will cost $2.00 per event.
4.  All requests for pre-squadding must be accompanied by an order from and a check for the correct amount, payable to the M.T.A. Pre-squadding fees are non-refundable.
5.  SQUADS WILL NOT BE MAILED!  All squad tickets may be picked up at the classification/squadding counter anytime during the shoot. There will be envelopes marked with the name of the person who ordered the squads.
6.  All requests will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis by date of postmark, full squads first then partial squads.  Any requests for pre-squadding postmarked more than 30 days prior to the start of the shoot in which the event falls will be processed last. Any request for pre-squadding received less then two days prior to the start of the shoot will be returned unopened.
7.  This service is offered as a convenience. Although every effort will be made to fill your request for time of day, we make no guarantees as to satisfaction.









1.       Be sure to fill in the section with your name, A.T.A. number, and maximum yardage on the squad.

2.       Place a circle around each event and position you prefer.

3.       Indicate with an E, M, or L whether you wish to shoot early, middle or late in each event.

4.       Mail completed form (with a check for $2.00 per position payable to the M.T.A.)

Mail to:

Michigan Trapshooting Association
1534 Service Road
Mason, Mi. 48854

All Pre-Squadding money will be returned to the shooters as added money.



Name___________________________                    A.T.A. # ________________________


Maximum yardage on squad _________

Date               Event    Title                              Circle Position               E=early

                                                                       Or full squad                 M=middle



May 3,            # 1       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 3,            # 2       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 3,            # 3       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 4,            # 4       Spring Doubles              1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 4,            # 5       President’s Handicap     1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 4,            # 6       Spring Singles                1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 5,            # 7       Team Singles                Full Squad Only             ____________

May 5,            # 8       Spring Handicap            1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________



Name___________________________                    A.T.A. # ________________________


Maximum yardage on squad _________

Date               Event    Title                              Circle Position               E=early

                                                                       Or full squad                 M=middle



May 24,           # 1       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 24,           # 2       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 24,           # 3       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 25,           # 4       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 25,           # 5       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 25,           # 6       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 26,           # 7       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 26,           # 8       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 26,           # 9       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 27,           # 10      Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 27,           # 11      Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

May 27,           # 12      Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________


2002 Michigan 500 doubles and 500 singles MARATHON



Name___________________________                    A.T.A. # ________________________


Maximum yardage on squad _________

Date               Event    Title                              Circle Position               E=early

                                                                       Or full squad                 M=middle



Events 1-5 and Events 6-10 to run concurrently


July 23,            # 1       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 2       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 3       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 4       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 5       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 6       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 7       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 8       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 9       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 23,            # 10      Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________




  Name___________________________                    A.T.A. # ________________________


Maximum yardage on squad _________

Date               Event    Title                              Circle Position               E=early

                                                                       Or full squad                 M=middle



July 24,            # 1       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 24,            # 2       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 24,            # 3       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 25,            # 4       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 25,            # 5       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 26,            # 6       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 26,            # 7       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 26,            # 8       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 27,            # 9       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 27,            # 10      Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 28,            # 11      Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

July 28,            # 12      Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________


  Name____________________________      A.T.A. # ________________________


Maximum yardage on squad _________

Date               Event    Title                              Circle Position               E=early

                                                                       Or full squad                 M=middle



September 6,   # 1       Singles                          1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

September 6,   # 2       Handicap                      1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

September 6,   # 3       Doubles                        1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

September 7,   # 4       Fall Doubles                  1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

September 7,   # 5       President’s Handicap     1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

September 7,   # 6       Fall Singles                    1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________

September 8,   # 7       Team Singles                Full Squad Only             ____________

September 8,   # 8       Fall Handicap                1 2 3 4 5 F                    ____________



HOW TO ENTER: Advance entries accepted. Enter the day of the shoot or the day before. The team captain must submit the entry blank completely filled out with names, addresses, shooter numbers, etc. All team awards will be made to the team captain. All money will be paid to the individual shooters.

NUMBER OF TARGETS: 100 targets per person. We will use all 40 traps, approximately 50 teams per hour start (or whatever the Directors deem necessary to run the program).

ENTRY FEE; $27.00 per person (plus A.T.A. and M.T.A. fees) will include targets and trophies and guaranteed purse.

TIES/SHOOT-OFFS: All ties except Individual Champion of all events and/or Team Champion for event 7 Team Trap Championship will be decided by reverse score by sub-event. If the tie still exists, it will be decided by reverse long run.

TROPHIES: 165 team trophies – 33 winning teams (including High Lady, Runner-Up Lady, High Junior, Runner-Up Junior, High Sub-Junior and Runner-Up Sub-Junior)-5 Trophies for each team. Ties for Individual and/or Team Champion shoot-off. Class Ties decided by reverse score using team scores on last 125, then third 125, etc. Individual Trophies to Champion and Runner-Up. All scores official 30 minutes after posting.

Guaranteed purse:

            $50.00 to each member of Champion Team

                        $45.00 to each member of Runner-Up Team

                        $40.00 to each member of First Team Each Class

            $30.00 to each member of Second Team Each Class

                  $20.00 to each member of Third Team Each Class

                        $15.00 to each member of Fourth Team Each Class

                        $10.00 to each member of Fifth Team Each Class

                        $75.00 to Champion Shooter

                        $50.00 to Runner-Up Shooter

LEWIS CLASS: The shooters are divided into five classes – the top 20% of the teams in Class AA, the next 20% Class A, etc., with the lowest 20% of the teams in Class D. (That means, for example, that if we have 150 teams, the 121st team will win Class D).

Notes: The M.T.A. reserves the right to reject any team name that may be considered undesirable. All registered shooters are eligible to compete on a team; shooters may shoot on one team only. Junior teams are welcomed and encouraged. They must be comprised of shooters less than 19 years of age. A high degree of ability is not necessary; the Lewis class system takes care of that. We will have a good staff on hand to register new shooters.


11th Annual M.T.A.
Spring Team Shoot

800 Registered Targets
May 3rd, 4th & 5th, 2002

165 Belt Buckles

80 Individual Trophies

300 Singles Targets  

300 Handicap Targets  

100 Pair Doubles Targets

(Over $41,000.00 paid out in options last year)

Lewis Class Shoot
On All Singles and Doubles Events


Friday, May 3, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)….…………….……………$22.00
Lewis Purse….…..……………………………………………….…..………$10.00
    (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)

    First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (Four Lewis Classes), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Friday, May 3, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 1
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees).……………………………$22.00
OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page 10)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Friday, May 3, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 2
Entries Close – set by the Directors

50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees).……………………………$22.00

Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………..……………$10.00
(Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (Four Lewis Classes), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.  

Extra Event, Time Permitting
50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. daily fees).………...……………$20.00
Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………..……………$10.00
(Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)


Saturday, May 4, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)….………...………………$22.00

Lewis Purse….…...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

Total 50 Pair………………………….……………………………………..$10.00
      (50% - 30% - 20% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (Four Lewis Classes), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Saturday, May 4, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 4
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…..…………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page 10)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran, and High Senior Veteran.


Saturday, May 4, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 5
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16- Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….…………………...…$22.00

Lewis Purse……...………………………………………………….………$10.00
     (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Total 100….…...…………………….…………………………….………..$10.00
      (50% - 30% - 20% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (Four Lewis Classes), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Extra Event, Time Permitting
100 Singles Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. daily fees).………...……………$20.00
Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………..……………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)



Sunday, May 5, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies and guaranteed purse..…….……………………………$27.00
(Plus A.T.A & M.T.A. fees)

Lewis Purse……...………………………………………………...………$10.00
      (Five Classes – Divided 50% - 30% - 20% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Total 100…………………………….……………………………………..$10.00
(50% - 30% - 20% - ties divide)

(See Team Shoot Information on earlier page)  

Need a Team?

If you are interested in shooting event # 7, the Team Trap Championship, but do not have a team, please report to the flagpole or the office.


Sunday, May 5, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 7
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.  


(Events 4-8)
500 Targets
High Overall Trophy


  May 24 – 27, 2002

  1200 A.T.A Registered Targets

  600 Handicap Targets

400 Singles Targets

100 Pair Doubles Targets

  162 Trophies




Friday, May 24, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….……………….……$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Class Purse (Total 100)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Friday, May 24, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 1
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Friday, May 24, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 2
Entries Close – set by the Directors

50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair Sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….………………..……$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

Class Purse (Total 50 pair).………….……………………………………..$10.00
     Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

 Class Purse (50’s First and Last)…....……………………………………..$10.00
     Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Extra Event, Time Permitting
50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. daily fees).………...……………$20.00
Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………..……………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)  

Saturday, May 25, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair Sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….…………………..…$22.00


Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

Class Purse (Total 50 pair).………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

 Class Purse (50’s First and Last)…....……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Saturday, May 25, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 4
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….…….…………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High-Sub Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Saturday, May 25, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 5
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….…………..…………$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Class Purse (Total 100)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Extra Event, Time Permitting
50 Bird Handicap
(not  registered)

   One Money (Ties Divide)
   50%-30%-20% (not high gun)


Sunday, May 26, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees).……………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Sunday, May 26, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 7
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….…..…………………$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Class Purse (Total 100)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Sunday, May 26, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 8
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)……..………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

$250.00 Added Money per yardage group.
 (Money goes with Trophies; Ties must shoot off)  

Extra Event, Time Permitting
50 Bird Handicap
(not  registered)

One Money (Ties Divide)
50%-30%-20% (not high gun)

Monday, May 27, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by
the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)….…………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

$250.00 Added Money per yardage group.
(Money goes with Trophies; Ties must shoot off)


Monday, May 27, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 10
Entries Close – set by
the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees).…………………..………$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                  60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Class Purse (Total 100)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Monday, May 27, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 11
Entries Close – set by
the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)………………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

$250.00 Added Money per yardage group.
(Money goes with Trophies; Ties must shoot off)

400 Championship Targets
Events 4,8, 11 and 12 Combined

TROPHIES: Champion, Runner-Up, Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran

1,200 Targets
Events 1-12

TROPHIES: Champion, Runner-Up, Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


(In partnership with Linden Awards)

  Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Starting Time - 10:00 A.M.

  Events 1 Thru 5

50 Pair Doubles Per Event

  Events 6 Thru 10

100 Singles Per Event

   Doubles & Singles to run concurrently

  Targets – Per Event - $20.00
(Plus A.T.A. and M.T.A. fees)

  Trophies Per Event High Each Class AA, A, B, C, D

  Trophies for Total 500 Doubles and/or Singles

 Champion, Runner-up and High Each Class AA, A, B, C, D

  Winners or Ties Advance One Class
(Today Only)
All ties carried over to next like event

  Lewis Purse – per event - $10.00
Three Classes – Divided 60% - 40% (ties divide)

  Lewis Purse Total 500 Doubles - $20.00
Three Classes – Divided 60% - 40% (ties divide)

  Lewis Purse Total 500 Singles - $20.00
Three Classes – Divided 60% - 40% (ties divide)

  High Gun Total 500 Doubles- $20.00
50/30/20 Each Class

  High Gun Total 500 Singles- $20.00
50/30/20 Each Class

  High Gun Total 1000 - $20.00
Doubles and Singles combined
50/30/20 Each Class

  Trophies Donated by Linden Awards
The MTA appreciates the continued support of Linden Awards, and would like to thank them for their generous donation of today’s trophies!



1400 Registered Targets
July 24 –28, 2002

  246 Trophies

$4200.00 Added Money
(Over $105,000.00 paid out in options last year)


16-Yard Champion….………..Robert Scheonrock

Handicap Champion…...…….. Ryan McClinchey

Doubles Champion…………...….Richard Musetti

All Around…………………………Barry Kemper


16-Yard Champion.………...Jacque Snellenberger

Handicap Champion……...…………..Carol Ervin

Doubles Champion………………….Brenda Rider

All Around…………...…………Roberta Rutledge


16-Yard Champion...…….….…..Kenneth Shelton

Handicap Champion...……..….….. Dustin Garbill

                             Doubles Champion….…….Ryan McClinchey

All Around………….………… Ryan McClinchey

Sub Juniors

16-Yard Champion…….…………..Austin Arnold

Handicap Champion…...…..…...Robert Campeau

Doubles Champion.……….…...…..Austin Arnold

All Around.……………….………..Austin Arnold


16-Yard Champion.…………..…..Terrall Hatfield

Handicap Champion……..……..…..Roger Kreissl

Doubles Champion……….…...….William Turner

All Around………………………..…Leslie Quass

Senior Veterans

16-Yard Champion.………………..Gerald Grimes

Handicap Champion……...……..William Kasdorf

Doubles Champion.………………..Gerald Grimes

                       All Around……….……….………..Gerald Grimes


Wednesday July 24, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)….…………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Wednesday July 24, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 1
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees).…………..………………$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Class Purse (Total 100)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Wednesday July 24, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 2
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)………………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

There will be an award ceremony to honor Keith Heeg as he is inducted into the MTA Hall of Fame and to introduce the MTA All State Team and those Michigan shooters who have been selected to the All American Team. This ceremony will take place under the pavilion following the shoot-offs Saturday July 27, 2002.


Extra Event, Time Permitting
100 Singles Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. daily fees).………...……………$20.00
Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………..……………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)


Thursday, July 25, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

200 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….…………………..…$44.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Class Purse (Total 200)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
     Each Class shoots for its own money (50%-40%-30% - ties divide)

Class Purse (Total 100)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

A.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan Class Champion (AA, A, B, C, D)
(A.T.A. rules govern the awarding of A.T.A. trophies.)

M.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan Class Runner-Ups (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Non-Resident Class Champion (AA, A, B, C and D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Thursday, July 25, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 4
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Nominations for Directors and Delegates will be held on Thursday July 25, 2002 after the shoot-offs. Candidate Requirements: All candidates must be in good standing with the A.T.A.

M.T.A. Directors must be Life Members of the M.T.A.
A.T.A. Delegates must be Life Members of both the M.T.A. and A.T.A

Elections will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2002 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ballots may be obtained at the trophy case. The election will be for two Directors (three year terms), one A.T.A Delegate and two A.T.A alternate delegates (one year term).

Extra Event, Time Permitting
50 Bird Handicap
(not registered)

One Money (Ties Divide)
50%-30%-20% (not high gun)

Friday, July 26, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….……..………………$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

     First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Class Purse (Total 100)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Friday, July 26, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 6
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Friday, July 26, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 7
Entries Close – set by the Directors

50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair Sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….……………..………$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

Class Purse (Total 50 pair).………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (50%-30%-20% - ties divide)

 Class Purse (50’s First and Last)…....……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

A.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan Class Champion (AA, A, B, C, D)
(A.T.A. rules govern the awarding of A.T.A. trophies.)

M.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan Class Runners-up (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Non-Resident Class Champion (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Extra Event, Time Permitting
50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. daily fees).………...……………$20.00
Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………..……………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)

Saturday, July 27, 2002
Starting time – 10:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

200 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….……………..………$44.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Class Purse (Total 200)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (50%-40%-30% - ties divide)

Class Purse (Total 100)..…………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

A.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan State Champion, Runner-Up, High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran, and High Senior Veteran (A.T.A. rules govern the awarding of A.T.A. trophies.)

M.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D), High Zone Team, High Husband and Wife and High Parent and Child.

Non-Resident Champion, Runner-Up, Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

  ADDED MONEY:                                   $1200.00

Michigan State Champion                             $200.00
Michigan State Runner-Up                            $100.00
Michigan Class Champions                           $100.00
Michigan State Lady Champion                     $50.00
Michigan State Junior Champion                    $50.00
Michigan State Sub Junior Champion             $50.00
Michigan State Veteran Champion                 $50.00
Michigan State Sr. Veteran Champion            $50.00
Non-Resident Champions                             $100.00
Non-Resident Runner-Up                              $50.00


Saturday, July 27, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 9
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES: Michigan Champion, Runner-Up, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Non-Resident Champion, Runner-Up, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

TIME 8:00 A.M.

Sunday, July 28, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair Sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….………………..……$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

Class Purse (Total 50 pair).………….……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (50%-30%-20% - ties divide)

 Class Purse (50’s First and Last)…....……………………………………..$10.00
      Each Class shoots for its own money (60% - 40% - ties divide)

A.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan State Doubles Champion and Doubles Runner-up.
(A.T.A. rules govern the awarding of A.T.A. trophies.)

M.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Non-Resident Champion, Runner-Up, Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

ADDED MONEY:                                   $600.00

Michigan State Champion                           $100.00
Michigan State Runner-Up                            $50.00
Michigan Class Champions                           $50.00
Michigan State Lady Champion                    $25.00
Michigan State Junior Champion                   $25.00
Michigan State Sub Junior Champion            $25.00
Michigan State Veteran Champion                $25.00
Michigan State Sr. Veteran Champion           $25.00
Non-Resident Champions                             $50.00
Non-Resident Runner-Up                             $25.00


Sunday, July 28, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 11
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

Hall of Fame Purse…………….……..……………………...……………..$10.00

      Lewis Class – Three classes divided 60%-40% (Ties Divide)

  A.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan State Handicap Champion, Runner-Up, Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth. (A.T.A. rules govern the awarding of A.T.A. trophies.)

M.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran

Non-Resident Champion, Runner-Up, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


ADDED MONEY                                    $1400.00

Michigan State Handicap Champion             $500.00
Michigan State Handicap Runner-Up           $300.00
Michigan State Handicap Third                    $250.00
Michigan State Handicap Fourth                  $200.00
Michigan State Handicap Fifth                     $100.00
Michigan State Handicap Sixth                       $50.00
(Ties do not divide; added money goes with the ATA trophy).


The Trapshooting Hall of Fame maintains a museum at the home grounds in Vandalia, Ohio and provides a research service for the history of our sport. It also provides college scholarships and operates a youth program to provide for the future of trapshooting. Half of the entry in this purse is donated to the Hall of Fame. We encourage you to participate and support its various activities.

For more information about A.T.A. Hall of Fame Youth Scholarships, contact Michigan A.T.A. Delegate Earl Munson, 7155 S. Vernon Road, Durand, MI 48429.

Monies returned from the A.T.A.  to Michigan: $13,739.20


400 Championship Targets
Events 9, 11 and 12 Combined

  A.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan All Around Champion
(A.T.A. rules govern the awarding of A.T.A. trophies.)

M.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan All Around Runner-Up, Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran

Non-Resident All Around Champion.

ADDED MONEY: $150.00

Michigan State All Around Champion $100.00
Non-Resident All Around Champion     $50.00

1,100 Targets
Events 4-12

M.T.A. TROPHIES: Michigan Champion, Runner-Up, Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Non-Resident: Overall Champion, and Runner-Up.

ADDED MONEY:                                                           $850.00

Michigan Overall Champion                                                $125.00
Michigan Overall Runner-Up                                              $100.00
Michigan Overall Class Champions (AA, A, B, C, D)         $100.00
Non-Resident Overall Champion                                          $75.00
Non-Resident Overall Runner-Up                                         $50.00 


Over the years, the qualifications for membership in the Michigan All State Team have changed. The M.T.A. Board of Directors approved the following eligibility rules for the 2002 target season:

1. You must be a resident of the state of Michigan at the time of the Michigan State Shoot.
2. You must compete in all three-championship events at the Michigan State Shoot. These events are the singles, doubles and handicap championship events.
3. You must meet the following target requirements, during the target year based on your category in the state singles championship event:

CATEGORY                     16-YARD                    HANDICAP                DOUBLES

Men                                   2,500                           1,500                           1,000
Ladies                                2,000                           1,500                           1,000
Veterans                             2,000                           1,500                           1,000
Senior Veterans                  1,500                           1,000                              500
Juniors                                1,500                           1,000                              500
Sub-Juniors                        1,500                           1,000                              500

28th M.T.A.
Fall Team Shoot

  800 Registered Targets

September 6th, 7th & 8th, 2002

  165 Belt Buckles

  80 Individual Trophies

  300 Singles Targets

  300 Handicap Targets

  100 Pair Doubles Targets

  (Over $39,000.00 paid out in options last year)

  Lewis Class Shoot
On all Singles and Doubles Events


Friday, September 6, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Singles Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees).……………..……………$22.00
Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (Four Lewis Classes), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Friday, September 6, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 1
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees).……………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran. 


Friday, September 6, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 2
Entries Close – set by the Directors

50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)….…………………………$22.00
Lewis Purse……...………………………………………………..…………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (Four Lewis Classes), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Extra Event, Time Permitting
50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. daily fees).………...……………$20.00
Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………..……………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)

Saturday, September 7, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

50 Pair Doubles Targets
(25 pair sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)….…………………...……$22.00

Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………….…………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

Total 50 Pair…………………………….…………………………………..$10.00
      (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (Four Lewis Classes), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Saturday, September 7, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 4
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….……..…………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


Saturday, September 7, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 5
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)…….…………..…………$22.00

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

Total 100…...…………………….…………………………….…………..$10.00
      (60% - 40% - ties divide)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, High Each Class (Four Lewis Classes), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.

Extra Event, Time Permitting
100 Singles Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. daily fees).………...……………$20.00
Lewis Purse……...……………………………………………..……………$10.00
      (Three Classes – Divided 60% -40% ties divide)



Sunday, September 8, 2002
Starting time – 9:00 am
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 16-Yard Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies and guaranteed purse..…….…………………….………$27.00
(Plus A.T.A & M.T.A. fees)

Lewis Purse……...…………………………………………………………$10.00
      (Five Classes – Divided 60% -40% - ties divide)

      First, Middle, Last                                60%-40%  (Ties Divide)

(See Team Shoot Information on Page 15)

Need a Team?

If you are interested in shooting event # 7, the Team Trap Championship, but do not have a team, please report to the flagpole or the office.


Sunday, September 8, 2002
Starting Time – Upon Completion of Event 7
Entries Close – set by the Directors

100 Handicap Targets
(25 Target sub events)

Targets/Trophies (plus A.T.A and M.T.A. fees)………………………………$22.00

OPTIONS: (See Handicap Options Page)

TROPHIES:  Champion, Runner-Up, Yardage Trophies (19-21, 22-24, 25-26, 27), High Lady, High Junior, High Sub-Junior, High Veteran and High Senior Veteran.


(Events 4-8)
500 Targets
High Overall Trophy

Congratulations and thanks to ALL for shooting MTA!
